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Car Insurance Liability Requirements in Beaman
- Minimum Liability Limits in Beaman: 20/40/15 [4]
- 20 Required coverage up to $20,000 for one individual injured in an accident
- 40 Required coverage up to $40,000 for all persons injured in an accident
- 15 Required coverage up to $15,000 for property damage in an accident
- Note: The amounts listed above are the minimum coverage amounts required by the law. Drivers can opt to purchase more than the mandatory minimum amounts.
Required Car Insurance Coverage in Beaman
- Beaman Auto Insurance Coverage Requirements [4]
- Bodily injury liability coverage
- Property damage liability coverage
Car Insurance Verification Laws in Beaman
- Insurer Verification of Auto Insurance in Beaman [4]
- Insurer must notify Department of Motor Vehicles or other state agency of cancellation or nonrenewal.
Beaman Car Insurance Facts, Estimates & Related Laws
Beaman Car Insurance Stats
- Number of Auto Insurance Policies in Beaman
- Based on historical and current data, 151 cars are currently insured in Beaman. [5]
- Iowa cities collectively ranked 30th in the nation in auto insurance policies in 2011 with a total of 2,412,396. [1]
- Uninsured Motorist Rate in Beaman
- Based on historical and current data, Beaman has an estimated 16 uninsured drivers. [6]
- Iowa cities collectively had the 29th highest uninsured motorist rate in the nation in 2009. [3]
- Average Car Insurance Rates in Beaman
- Iowa cities collectively had the 49th highest auto insurance rates in the nation in 2010. [2]
Beaman Distracted Driving Laws
- Hand-held phone ban? No
- Texting-while-driving ban? Yes
- Texting-while-driving ban in place for all drivers. [7]
- Young drivers cell phone ban? Yes
- Ban applies to learner's permit and intermediate license holders. [7]
- Bus driver cell phone ban? No
- Enforcement of laws:
- Primary enforcement in effect for learner's permit and intermediate license holders. Secondary enforcement in effect for texting. [7]
- With primary enforcement, a police officer can pull over a driver for that specific offense. Drivers cannot be pulled over solely for a secondary offense.
Beaman Automotive Laws
- Minimum Driving Age in Beaman [9]
- Beaman, IA minimum driving age: 14 years.
- Driver's License Renewal Cycle in Beaman
- Renewal cycle: 5 years [7]
- Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Beaman
- Safety Belt Laws in Beaman
- Safety belt laws have been in place since 1986 and apply to drivers/passengers 18+ years in front seat. [7]
- Child restraint law in place for younger than 1 year and less than 20 pounds in a rear-facing child seat; 1 through 5 years. [7]
Iowa Auto Registrations
- Auto Registrations in IA [8]
- Registered Cars: 1,645,916
- Registered Trucks: 1,667,446
- Registered Motorcycles: 174,263
- Total Registrations: 3,496,576
- Rank: Iowa ranked 27th in the United States in total auto registrations in 2011.
Iowa Automotive Facts
- Speed Limits in IA
- Rural interstates: 70 mph [7]
- Urban interstates: 55 mph [7]
- Other roads: 55 mph [7]
- Iowa Motor Fuel Consumption
- Iowa cities collectively ranked 28th in the nation in total motor fuel consumption in 2011. [10]
Iowa Licensed Drivers
- Licensed Drivers in IA [11]
- Female Drivers: 1,111,216
- Male Drivers: 1,080,499
- Total Drivers: 2,191,715
- Rank: 30th highest in the U.S.
Additional information about Beaman, IA
About Beaman
Beaman (Iowa) is a city with a population of 191 [12] that is located in Grundy County.
Did you know?
Some motorcyclists are currently required by law to wear a helmet in 47 states and the District of Columbia.
1. ^ Automobile Insurance Plans Service Office (AIPSO)
2. ^ National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
3. ^ Insurance Research Council (IRC)
4. ^ Insurance Information Institute (III)
5. ^ Automobile Insurance Plans Service Office (AIPSO) & United States Census Bureau
6. ^ Insurance Research Council (IRC) and United States Census Bureau
7. ^ Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) & Highway Loss Data Institute
8. ^ Office of Highway Policy Information
9. ^ Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)
10. ^ U.S. Department of Transportation
11. ^ Federal Highway Administration
12. ^ United States Census Bureau
13. ^ National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
14. ^ National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA)